Keer ons nu niet de rug toe: feministen roepen regering met klem op de bezuinigingen op ontwikkelingssamenwerking te heroverwegen
Met de aankondiging van stevige bezuinigingen op ontwikkelingssamenwerking laat de Nederlandse regering hen die al het meeste risico lopen op armoede, conflict en klimaatverandering in de steek. Vrouwen en meisjes* in het Zuiden worden onevenredig hard geraakt, en de bezuinigingen ondermijnen de inzet op gendergelijkheid en feministisch buitenlandbeleid. Lang geprezen als voorloper in internationale ontwikkeling […]
Don’t turn your back now: feminists urgently call for the Dutch government to reconsider development cooperation cuts
In announcing significant cuts to development cooperation, the Government of the Netherlands abandons those most at risk of poverty, conflict and environmental destruction. Women and girls* in the Global South will be disproportionately affected, and the government’s budget decisions undermine their commitment to gender equality and feminist foreign policy. Once hailed a pioneer in international […]
Count Me In! urges the Dutch Government to reject amendments to Sex Work Regulation Act
The Count Me In! consortium, along with Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) and European Sex Workers Alliance (ESWA) and other feminist organisations, urge the government of the Netherlands to reject amendments to the Wet Regulering Sekswerk (WRS) and work towards the full decriminalisation of sex work in the Netherlands. Sex workers’ rights advocates […]
Count Me In! supports the new bill that fully decriminalises sex work in South Africa
1 February 2023 Full decriminalisation of sex work ensures that the workers have access to health, justice, education, and employment opportunities and can enjoy all fundamental human rights. In South Africa, the Department of Justice has recently published a draft Amendment Bill that intends to decriminalise sex work fully. The Count Me In! consortium (CMI!) […]
State violence against human rights defenders, journalists and feminists in Nicaragua
The Count Me In! (CMI!) consortium, made up of Mama Cash, including the Red Umbrella Fund, the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), Just Associates (JASS), CREA and Urgent Action-Africa (UAF-Africa) along with her sister funds in the United States (UAF) and Latin America (UAF-LAC), expresses its deep concern regarding the escalation of violence against human rights defenders, journalists, feminists, social movements and civil society organizations […]
Feminist Letter to guide the Dutch Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation policy
Together with five feminist consortia* funded by the Dutch government, CMI! sent a strong feminist statement to the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. In the letter, we urged her to continue the government’s support for women’s rights and feminist movements and to ensure that all policy areas contribute to and uphold gender equality, […]